I will admit I was never the biggest fan of The Clash. I liked them fine, and saw them as one of the acts on a Day on the Green in the Bay Area, but I own one album by them.
If you don’t know where or how Power to Believe fits into Thanksgiving, you go look it up and share it with family in a week.
If anyone asks me my favorite Pretenders song, “Waste Not Want Not” is probably going to be it.
One of my favorite instrumentals from my vinyl collection days. Astradyne, from the album Vienna by Ultravox, is pretty much dominated by synthesizers and a fantastic opening to the album.
Suzanne Vega made beautiful songs in the 1980s, none any more beautiful than Small Blue Thing.
George Winston passed away earlier this year. I will always be indebted to him for a couple of the great piano albums of all time.
My Mom passed away in 2001. Some music performers both make me miss her and make me feel closer to her. Nanci Griffith is DEFINITELY one of those performers
Sometimes you just have to shrug about how much you enjoy a song.
“Don’t Tell Me You Love Me” by Night Ranger is such a song for me.
Yeah, I love a lot of Oingo Boingo’s music. Danny Elfman was a musical genius for a long, long time. Might still be, I just haven’t heard anything from him in a while.
Colourbox deserved better. This song didn’t get the attention is deserved. Here’s your chance to catch up.